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CV workshop and Careers Meeting // 2

23 April 2018
Laura had come in to run a CV writing workshop. This had some really useful information as I hadn't really had to think much about a CV coming straight from Sixth form to University. She gave us some tips on what to put on our CV's and how to write them in a way that appeals to the employer. 
  • Targeting is Key - When applying for a job, we need to adapt our CV to specific features to match the job. Having all the relevant information but tailoring it specifically to the organisation or the specific role requirements. 
  • Listing your skills is a part of a CV. Laura stated that a lot of people write their skills yet dont demonstrate them. This is something that makes your CV stand out more and shows you can do specific things rather than just telling the employer a list.
She also went through other elements of the CV such as the personal profile which is a good way to set a first impression, and introduce yourself and your interests in 3 simple questions. 1.Who? 2.What do you do? and 3. What are you looking for? 
This workshop made me think about CV's differently and I know that I can book an appointment with the career advisors when I come to producing my own which is useful.

Today, was my follow up meeting with Laura. I had filled out my self awareness table which I had written the projects I had done and what Skills I had developed from these. This helped to see which Skills I have developed over the years of being at university and which skills need improving so that I can have a wide range.
I had also researched into the different areas that I could potentially enter after Graduation, yet I still don't really know what I would like to do.

With this, Laura tried to narrow it down and I spoke about the elements of projects over the years of University that I have enjoyed. Exhibitions and Galleries are places I like to visit, and my own practice is project based also. With this, Laura suggested an Arts Administrator type of job. And the next steps would be to look at volunteering in a gallery in order to place myself in the specific environment and see how it turns out.

Another element she suggested to look into was events planning and organisation. I can explore different events and fairs to volunteer at and maybe look into some specifically to do with photography. This allows me to test different working environments, which some may work for me and some may not. However, putting myself in the environment is the best next step and also allows me to network with like minded people and also a variety of people from different backgrounds. 
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